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The Missing Entrepreneurs Project aims to build a more inclusive culture towards digital start-ups and support the development of digital and entrepreneurship skills among vulnerable and still under-represented population groups in digital entrepreneurship such as women, immigrants, youth and seniors.

The Missing Entrepreneurs promotes the joint action of 6 organisations (non-profit, business, education institutions) across 6 European countries (France, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus, Italy, Austria) who will carry out a cross-disciplinary, bottom-up process leading to build a more inclusive culture towards digital start-ups and support the development of digital and entrepreneurship skills among vulnerable and still under-represented population groups in digital entrepreneurship such as women, immigrants, youth and seniors.

Develop a comprehensive framework of digital skill gaps of under-represented population groups in digital entrepreneurship. This skill gaps mapping will be carried out in participating countries and on the European level, allowing to identify common trends and shared understanding against two EU competence frameworks for digital competences and entrepreneurship.

Enhance digital and entrepreneurial skills, by deploying training courses and workshops to test a set of innovative education materials and resources, provided by European Academy on Inclusive Digital Entrepreneurship. This will allow to train, at least, 180 people that belong to project target groups (women, immigrants, youth and seniors) on digital entrepreneurship, by the end of the project.

Develop far-reaching educational and raising awareness campaign, to combat the stereotype that digital entrepreneurs are young males, by showcasing a wide range of role models and success stories.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The Missing Entrepreneurs Project aims to build a more inclusive culture towards digital start-ups and support the development of digital and entrepreneurship skills among vulnerable and still under-represented population groups in digital entrepreneurship such as women, immigrants, youth and seniors. Project reference number: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080632
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