Entrepreneurship: key skills

Entrepreneurship: key skills

If you are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, you should develop different skills to increase the chances of success of your business or company. Of course, starting a business and trying to make it grow is a challenge, but there are very specific skills that are very useful to succeed as an entrepreneur.

We can distinguish between hard skills (technical or financial), which are very important for running a business or company, and soft skills, which are personal traits and habits that shape the way you work as an entrepreneur and with others.

Soft skills – such as effective communication and negotiation, positive mindset, discipline, initiative, networking, and leadership skills, among others – play a key role in ensuring your development as an entrepreneur. In this article we will analyse which are the most important business skills for digital entrepreneurs and how to develop them.

The soft skill most worth mentioning is effective communication, which is an almost mandatory requirement for any entrepreneur who is willing to expand or broaden the impact of his or her business. Good communication skills help strengthen the connection between the entrepreneur, who is usually the business owner, and the employees. It also helps to create a deep bond with customers and stakeholders and, ultimately, to bridge the gap between the company and the business’s key target groups.

Initiative is also a very valuable skill, but to be useful and to ensure successful results, it needs to be carried out in the most productive and efficient way possible. Initiative pays off when it is well aligned with business priorities and executed with discipline and rigor.

To improve your entrepreneurial skills, you may consider taking courses, attending events and workshops, or seeking out experienced mentors, which is always a good idea to learn more about the business world, especially for newcomers. There are many events around the world (both in-person and online) where valuable information is shared for anyone who is eager to start their own entrepreneurial venture, or for those who have already created their own business and want to improve.

As for technical knowledge, you will soon be able to start working on it through our free online courses – they will be available very soon! If you want to keep up to date with all the news of the project, follow us on our LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-missing-entrepreneurs/

Soon we will inform you about the free courses that we have developed throughout the course of the project.