Our project is finished!

Last month, all partners gathered in a virtual round table to have a final discussion on the possibilities for improvement of our training platform, based on the feedback we all received during the pilot testing sessions and the Multiplier Event organised so far.

All final developments have been implemented, and the project is finally finished!

You can find all the project resources in the different sections of our website.

  • In the Testimonials section, all the testimonial videos we recorded for the motivational campaign that served to convey directly to the target groups the message that digital entrepreneurship is for everyone, for all social groups, and that with the right training everyone can succeed as a digital entrepreneur.
  • In the News section you will find all the articles we have published throughout the project. All of them contain relevant information, either for the world of entrepreneurship or for the progress of our project.
  • The project work has been divided on 5 Intellectual Outputs (IOs). From each of the outputs, several documents have been uploaded to our website, into the Results section (FALTARÍA INCLUIR EL LINK).
  • Finally, you can access our online training platform by clicking on the Training

We encourage you to create an account and start completing our courses. Our platform is free to access, and we have training available on many tools.

We divided our trainings in 9 areas, and each of them corresponds to a different stage of development when creating or digitising a new business as an entrepreneur.

  1. Ideation: The first stage would be the Ideation of your product/service, i.e. the creative generation and development for product or service innovations or upgrades.

Ideation helps entrepreneurs and companies to develop ideas for products and services as well as business models, which then have to be tested in the next step (in the second area: Minimum Viable Product).

  1. MVP: The Minimum Viable Product is the version of a product or service with essential characteristics, sufficient to be used and validated by the first customers.

It is the backbone of the validation process of a business idea, as it avoids creating a product or service that the market does not demand, or that does not effectively solve any real problem, which is one of the main reasons why start-ups fail.

  1. Product Launch: After finishing the MVP, comes the product or service launch. Once the business has been created, if you want to be successful, you need to take steps to plan and execute a well-timed strategic launch that will attract the attention of your potential customers in the most effective way possible.
  2. E-Commerce: Nowadays, the most common way to facilitate online sales and transactions, is through a dedicated online store or e-Commerce platform.

The implementation of an e-commerce system improves the competitiveness and reputation of any company: it simplifies the sales process, reduces costs, makes advertising and marketing affordable, and increases flexibility and convenience for customers.

  1. Business Planning and Analytics: This area is related to competencies such as business networking and data analysis. A good business plan will guide you through all phases of setting up and running your business. It is a roadmap on how to structure, run and grow a business.

Business analytics focuses on using data to make more informed decisions that help organisations increase sales, reduce costs and make other business improvements.

  1. Project Management: it is the process that guides the work of a team to achieve all project objectives within specific parameters. Every project needs a plan that outlines how things will start, built, and completed, considering the time limitation, scope, and budget.
  2. Invoicing, accounting and payroll: Not every small business owner has the knowledge or time to correctly handle the business’s invoicing and accounting requirements, although they are very important. Choosing the right accounting software is an important step for any business, as it can provide you with many cost-effective and easy-to-use options.
  3. Branding: is the process of defining, building, and managing a brand.

A brand is much more than a logo and a visual identity, it is also defined by the set of sensations and experiences that the public feels from the products or services offered.

Branding connects the company with the client and vice versa.

If you do not work on branding, it will be difficult to connect with customers and retain them. In the same way, it will be difficult to differentiate yourself from others who do the same as you.

  1. Communication and Marketing: there are two disciplines that complement each other, and both are necessary to grow your business.

Marketing is the discipline that deals with your company’s relationship with your audience/market and has a very clear final objective: to sell more. Therefore, it focuses on strategies that revolve around the service or product (how it is distributed, its price and how it is promoted).

On the other hand, the main objective of communication is to connect with your audience: to tell who you are, what you offer and what you can do for the customer.Marketing strategies always need communication to be carried out.

You can choose the area you are most interested in, select a tool, and complete all the training on it.